Emerging Security Technologies and EU Governance. Actors, Practices and Processes

Emerging Security Technologies and EU Governance. Actors, Practices and Processes

15:00 - 18:00

Invitation to the book launch, Emerging Security Technologies and EU Governance. Actors, Practices and Processes, published in the Routledge Studies in Conflict, Security and Technology Series and co-edited by Antonio Calcara, Raluca Csernatoni, and Chantal Lavallée.

This interactive event, co-organised by the IES and the three editors, will take place online on Wednesday, 9 September 2020, from 15:00 to 18:00. It will feature three moderated panel discussions with renowned scholars on:

1) European Security and Defence Research

2) Surveillance, Dual-Use Technologies, Drones, Artificial Intelligence

3) Cyberspace and Technoscience

Please register here to attend the online book launch

Book description:

The book examines fundamental questions about the European governance of emerging security technologies, which are of particular relevance for our current concerns regarding the development, management and use of these technologies during the coronavirus pandemic.

The emergence of technologies such as drones, autonomous robotics, artificial intelligence, cyber and biotechnologies has stimulated worldwide debates on their use, risks and benefits in both the civilian and the security-related fields. This volume examines the concept of ‘governance’ as an analytical framework and tool to investigate how new and emerging security technologies are governed in practice within the European Union (EU), emphasising the relational configurations among different state and non-state actors. With reference to European governance, it addresses the complex interplay of power relations, interests and framings surrounding the development of policies and strategies for the use of new security technologies. The work examines varied conceptual tools to shed light on the way diverse technologies are embedded in EU policy frameworks. Each contribution identifies actors involved in the governance of a specific technology sector, their multilevel institutional and corporate configurations, and the conflicting forces, values, ethical and legal concerns, as well as security imperatives and economic interests.

More details about the book can be found here

Date: Wednesday, 9 September 2020, 15:00-18:00

Venue & registration: Online event, please register here


15:00-15:10 Introductory remarks by Co-editors & Alexander Mattelaer (Institute for European Studies (IES) Vice-Dean for research)

15:10-15:55 Panel 1: European Security and Defence Research

Moderator: Sophia Besch (Centre for European Reform)

Participants: Daniel Fiott (EU Institute for Security Studies), Clemens Binder (Austrian Institute for International Affairs), Bruno Oliveira Martins (Peace Research Institute Oslo) & Antonio Calcara (LUISS “Guido Carli” University)

15:55-16:05 Break

16:05-16:50 Panel 2: Surveillance, Dual-Use Technologies, Drones, Artificial Intelligence

Moderator: Maaike Verbruggen (IES, Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Participants:Dagmar Rychnovska (Institute for Advanced Studies – IHS), Maximiliano Vila (National University of San Martín), Raluca Csernatoni (IES, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Carnegie Europe) & Chantal Lavallée (Royal Military College Saint-Jean)

16:50-17:00 Break

17:00-17:45 Panel 3: Cyberspace and Technoscience

Moderator: Marijn Hoijtink (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Participants: André Barrinha (University of Bath), Delphine Deschaux-Dutard (Université Grenoble Alpes), Ilan Manor (University of Oxford) & Inga Ulnicane (University of Vienna)

17:45-18:00 Concluding remarks by Co-editors & Ciara Bracken-Roche (Maynooth University)