Nathalie Tocci about the future of the European neighbourhood policy

Nathalie Tocci about the future of the European neighbourhood policy

Nathalie Tocci, oiip Podcast with Nathalie Tocci (Director IAI – Istituto Affari Internazionali – Rome and Special Advisor to HRVP Federica Mogharini) is talking in this Podcast about the European neighbourhood , how the European Neighbourhood Policy could be replaced and what would be an alternative approach.

<<Please click here for the audio record of the lecture with NATHALIE TOCCI, Director IAI – Italian Institute for International Affairs and former advisor to the Higher representative Federica Mogharini, and TOBIAS SCHUMACHER, Chairholderof the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair -College d’Europe, Natolin Campus, on October 21th, 2019, at the oiip about the future of the European neighbourhood policy>>