Recent Arrivals in Austria: New refugees from Syria and other third countries on the Austrian labour market

Recent Arrivals in Austria: New refugees from Syria and other third countries on the Austrian labour market

The majority of newly registered persons entitled to asylum and subsidiary protection (KON/SUB) at AMS Vienna come from Syria. Due to increasing numbers of asylum applications from summer 2022, this group accounts for more than 20% of all unemployed clients or clients in training. Due to their origin, they have a high probability of staying, while later refugee cohorts usually have lower levels of education, poorer health outcomes and a lower socio-economic background. This can make sustainable labour market integration more difficult and require additional support services, for example in the areas of health and literacy. Against this backdrop, a mixed-method survey is used to identify factors and barriers to long-term labour market integration, such as conditions of flight, extended interim stays and low levels of education, as well as de-skilling, precarious employment and experiences of discrimination.

Lead:                          oiip

Funding:                     Arbeitsmarktservice (AMS) Wien

Duration:                    Februar 2024 – November 2024

Projejt lead oiip:         Judith Kohlenberger

Collaborator oiip:        Sophie Reichelt

Cooperation partner:  Isabella Buber-Ennser und Bernhard Rengs, Vienna Institute of Demography, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

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